Tech articles

These technical articles are offered in the hope they may be useful.

Beware: Here Be Dragons...

Warning: these articles may contain technical language (unsuitable for children), geek talk (unsuitable for adults) and arcane subjects (unsuitable for anyone).



What is a Fullstack Developer?

What is a Full-stack Developer? Broadly speaking, a person in software engineering who has a working knowledge of developing and delivering software across the full software / hardware solution stack who specialise in a number of them.

What are the four key elements for successfully Working from Home?

These four key elements can offer significant productivity improvements and cost saving for organisations that embrace Working from Home. Benefits include significantly reduced office costs, time and energy saving due to reduced travel, productivity increases, better time management and well being. They delivered significant benefits here and I wish everyone success in evaluating for themselves how best to reorganise their working pracices.

How to install an open source mail server

Straightforward how to guide on installing your own open source mail server with Exim and DBMail.

Gain control of your own infrastructure and manage your own settings.